Conventional Pump-outs Service of grease trap, septic tank and sewage treatment work

Generally, restaurants produce a lot of greasiness waste water during operation, this waste water should undergo appropriate treatment before discharge to the public drainage network. And according to Hong Kong Water Pollution Regulation, all restaurants and food processing factories are required to install grease trap and maintain regular pumping service.

Why do we need to regular pump out service for the grease trap?

Regular pump out service can reduce the grease agglomerate in the discharge pipe, and enhance the oil separation ability. In addition, this can prevent the discharge pipe clogging and lessen the stink. The frequency of cleaning up varies with the type of food serve and how active your business is. But according to EPD, the grease trap should be inspected in every 3 days. If the oily dirt agglomerate surpasses 30% of the tank, then the restaurants must need to arrange a pump out service immediately.

Before                                             After


The cleaning up of these greasy is a loathing work, because the pumping environment is not ideal. Therefore we, Grease Tech Limited, have a specialized team to serve all your needs. Our specialized technicians and vacuum suction vehicle can provide a speedy and professional cleaning up. All the grease waste will legally dispose at the Interim GTW Treatment Facility.